is your budget? |
Now you can get a nice
3 MP digital camera for around 50 bucks and that is
all most people will ever need, but if you want crystal
clear images at 20 x 30 your going to need 6 MP or
4 MP Digital Camera ........................100.00+
5 MP Digital Camera.........................150.00+
6 MP Digital SLR...............................200.00+
2/08 Prices continue to drop as the cameras advance Please
see our Mega Zoom
digital camera page for more details, but point and
shoot digital cameras over 6 mega pixels are now found
for under $150.00!
will you be taking pictures of?
Are you taking pictures of the family or of stock
for a website
size photos will you use? |
Most people will never
want more than an 8 x 10 picture, in general a 4 MP
camera is very capable of delivering nice 8 x 10s
without filling up your hard drive as fast as an 8
or 12 MP camera..
I use a 6.3 MP DSLR and in the first year of shooting
I've used well over 100 gigs in disk space and most
of these pictures will never be used. By backing up
your data you safe guard loosing your images in a
hard drive crash
options do you need? |
Would you like to have
total control of the f stop and ISO, or would you
rather point and shoot?
Would you like to capture video? Sound with that Video?
See our Camera reviews for more options
fast is the first image? |
Not all cameras are created
equal and this is where it counts.
Some cameras can take up to a second or two to capture
the image after you've clicked the button if you have
a fast target this could be problematic.
memory will it use? |
Do you need special memory
or just a generic memory card? Previously the pro
and semipro digital cameras have used CF
cards, however there is a growing shift toward
SD memory cards that will make alot of photographers
moving to more advanced cameras happy as they trade
their point and shoot digital cameras in for more
advanced models or different manufactures.
long will the battery last? |
Using the screen to set
up your photo will chew through the batteries fast,
as well as any auto focus, red eye flash or other
options. Battery life varies greatly from manufacture
to manufacture, even different models within the same
manufacture, so pay attention. Go Green and pop for
the rechargeable it's a win win...good for the Earth
and good for your budget.
much do you print photos? |
Do you need a printer attachment? Will it be less
expensive to use online processor, or walk the photos
you need into a local store.
Printer docks use ink and paper, which can be much
more expensive than using other processors. The
issue is speed, how fast do you need the printed
Visit our online photo printers page for more information.